Thursday, September 13, 2007

Yemen from Judy's eyes

A view of Sana'a the old city from the Mafraj.
Another view.
Dirty Harry?

A few days after I arrived in Sana'a my camera was stolen. Most likely a pick-pocket in the crowed market.
A group of us who were experiencing the Sana'a adventure together decided to share pictures.
Also Judy, Eli, Letteke and a few time Paulo let me use their cameras to take pictures. This is just a small sampling of our pictures of the life in Yemen. And of course pictures can never tell it all.
The guy with the head covering is Alex, he is from Spain.

Yemen from Judy's eyes

This is the famous fish we were waiting to eat. These guys are two of our Arabic teachers from Cales school of Arabic language.
plenty of fresh fruit here.

The mafraj.

The mafraj is a setting or communal room. The one that I have been in were usually on a upper floor with a view. People go there and smoke Shesha, chew qat, talk or socialize.

Yemen from Judy's eyes

Fresh fish.

Get it while its hot.
This is Judy form the USA.
she the woman in the front with glasses. They are eating kobz(bread), while wait for the fish.

Yemen from Judy's eyes

Sana'a the old city.

Yemen from Judy's eyes

This guy is preparing my belt.
This me getting fitted for a belt and Jambia. If

The jambia is a curved dagger whose tradition in Yemen dates back more than 1,400 years. Even though it looks like mere a weapon of convenience, in Yemen it is much more than this: it symbolizes honor, fashion, tradition, power, and family inheritance. The jambia also symbolizes the character of the wearer and his pride in the heritage of Yemen. The jamibia defines personality and others look at it to tell who you are. It is sort of like the suit you wear or the car you drive in the west.
This Sana'a the capital of Yemen. Most of these pictures here will be of the old city of Sana'a.

Sana’a is considered one of the Islamic historical towns because it has the Old City of Sana’a that is a real miracle of old architecture. The old city of Sana’a is one of the most beautiful cities in Arabia and the Islamic World. The city is known by several names including the city of “ Sam ”. It is also said that the city was built by Shem, the son of Noah, following the flood.

Yemen from Judy's eyes

The guys. Michael-USA, Johan-India, Paulo-Italy, me-USA. Ok, the game. We got names and countries. can you put the right person with the right name and country?

That's Michael from the USA. He like climbing mountains. He's at home up there.
Inside of a masque.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Yemen from Letteke's eyes

An oil shop in Sana'a.
Chewing qat.
A wedding.
This is Letteke, she is from the Netherlands.